

  • 1. Is the Haplo app available on iOS or Android?

    The Haplo app is currently available on the iOS platform only.

  • 2. Do I have to have an Apple Watch to use the Haplo app?

    The Haplo app is integrated with Apple HealthKit, so in order to have accurate behavioral data like activity, sleep, and mindfulness, we recommend having an Apple Watch.

  • 3. How do I sync the Haplo app with Apple HealthKit or an Apple Watch?

    After downloading the Haplo app and completing your registration process, a window will pop up asking for your permission to allow the Haplo app to read data from Apple HealthKit. Make sure to “Turn On All” as shown in the screenshot below.

    apple watch
  • 4. Do I need to open the Haplo app every day to earn points?

    No. You only need to download the Haplo app once, and as long as you don’t sign out, the Haplo app works in the background and stays in sync with Apple HealthKit.

  • 5. How do I earn reward points?

    The Haplo app rewards you with points for four categories: Activity, Sleep, Mindfulness, and Body Mass Index. These are based on the scoring tables shown in the app. In addition, you also earn bonus points for weekly and monthly streaks.

  • 6. What is the difference between points earned and HAPS?

    The Haplo app rewards you with points based on the behavioral data collected from Apple HealthKit. This is different from Haplo’s cryptocurrency, HAPS. Points can be used to get discounts at Haplo Partner vendors. You can also send points in return for services provided by service providers, friends, or colleagues. Finally, you can also choose to convert points earned into HAPS, Haplo’s cryptocurrency.

  • 7. How can I send points to a friend, service provider, or a vendor?

    You can send points using two methods: via QR code, via phone number. Take a look at a step-by-step walkthrough below. Sending via QR code.

    qr code

    Sending via Phone number.

    phone number
  • 8. How can I receive points?

    Take a look at a step-by-step walkthrough below:

  • 9. What is a cryptocurrency?

    A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency, which is nearly impossible to counterfeit. Cryptocurrencies are not issued by any central authority, which makes it immune to government interference or manipulation.

  • 10. Why do I have to pay a fee (AKA, a gas fee) to convert points earned into HAPS?

    HAPS is a cryptocurrency which is created on the Ethereum blockchain*. All cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on the Ethereum blockchain after validation. A gas fee is the fee paid to miners for validating a transaction on the Ethereum network.

    *Blockchain: A blockchain is a database that maintains a secure and trusted record of transactions without the need for a third party.

  • 11. Why do I need to set up a crypto wallet to convert points earned into HAPS?

    When you convert your points earned into HAPS, you would want to keep them in a safe place and be able to swap or trade on a decentralized exchange. Currently, the Haplo app is integrated with MetaMask. When you convert your points earned into HAPS, they will be sent directly to your MetaMask wallet.

  • 12. What are the steps to convert points earned to HAPS, and receiving them in MetaMask wallet?

    Take a look at a step-by-step walkthrough below:

  • 13. How can I contact Haplo support?

    Please send an email to [email protected]


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